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The Result and Report of the Pre-Assessment Test for the students

The Result and Report of the Pre-Assessment Test for the students E.I.A.L

The test was applied in the 1st transnational meeting held in Trento Italy (23-26 May 2022). 60 project students have implemented the test ( The report from the result can be seen below:

According to the results;

1. 60 students took part in the pre assessment test.

2. While 81,7% of the participants have participated in any kinds of Erasmus+ projects before, only 18,3% of them have no experience before.

3. 80% of the participants have participated in eTwinning projects while 20% of the other part has not.

4. 41,7 % of the participants have rated their spoken English competence as 3 out of 5, 28,3% of them have rated their spoken English competence as 2 out of 5, 21,7% of them have rated their spoken English competence as 4 out of 5, while 8,3% of them have rated their spoken English as 5 out of 5.

5. 31,7% of the participants have rated their knowledge about English Language Education System (as a second language) including Spoken English in the partner countries as 3 out of 5 while 28,3% of them have rated themselves as 3 out of 5. 23,3% of them have rated their knowledge on the mentioned topic as 3 out of 5 whereas 11,7% of them have rated as 1 out of 5 and 5% of them have rated as 5 out of 5.

6. 65% of participants have claimed that their level of spoken English tested in certain periods by their teachers at school, whereas 35% of participants claimed the opposite.

7. 70% of the participants have stated that they are placed in English language classes according to their level of English, while 30% of them have identified their placement in English language classes is according to their grade at school.

8. 68,3% of the participants have stated that they do extra activities out of their English classes to improve their English, while 31,7 of them have expressed that they do not do extra activities out of their English classes to improve their English.

9. 78,7% of the participants have stated that they listen to English songs to improve their English, 70,2% of them watch movie/series in English to improve it, 40,4% of them speak in English out of the class in order to enhance their speaking skills. 38,3% of them read English books to improve their English, 29,8% of them define their extra activities they do on their own to improve their English with some other activities different form the ones in this list.


10. 73,3% of the participants have had video conference with their peers to improve their spoken English before, whereas 26,7% of them have never had so far.

11. 81,7% of the participants think that frequent collaborations and video conferences will improve their spoken competence, while 18,3% of them think that the mentioned tasks above will no help to improve spoken English.

12. 43,3% of the participants rate their digital competence as 3 out of 5, 36,7% of them rate their digital competence as 4 out of 5, 15% of them rate their digital competence as 5 out of 5, 5% of them rate their digital competence as 2 out of 5. There is no student who has rated their digital competence as 1 out of 5.

13. 31,7% of the participants have rated that they are good at using web2 tools as 3 out of 5, the other 31,7% of the participants have rated the same ability as 4 out of 5. 18,2% of the participants think that their capacity in using web2 tools is 2 out of 5, 10% of the participants have stated that they can use web2 tools as 5 out of 5, finally only 8,3% of the find themselves bad at using web2 tools and rate themselves as 1 out of 5 in this field.

14. 41,7% of the participants have rated their knowledge of other cultures, while 25% of them have rated their knowledge of other cultures as 4 out of 5. 20% of them have rated their knowledge as 2 out of 5, 8,3% of them have rated it as 1 out of 5. %5 of the participants who have believed that they have the most information about other cultures have rated themselves as 5 out of 5.

15. 40% of the participants rate their knowledge on environment and climate change 4 out of 4, while 35% of them rate this information as 3 out of 5. 11,7% of the participants have rated their knowledge on environment and climate change as 2 out of 5, whereas 10% out of them rate is as 5 out of 5. 3% of the participants have rated their knowledge on environment and climate change as 1 out of 5.

16. 87.5 of the participants think that the project activities will improve their digital competences while 12.5% of them think they will improve their digital competences partially.

17. 87.5 of the participants think that the collaboration with foreign colleagues will improve their professional competences while 12.5% of them think it will happen partially.

18. 100% of the participants think that the pair and group work activities that will be run asynchronously and interactively will boost their students' level of spoken English.

19. 62.5% of the participants stated that they knew what soft skills were. 25% of them stated that they knew about them partially while 12.5% of them knew nothing about soft skills.

20. 87.5% of the participants think that their students will be able to improve their soft skills as well as their spoken English skills while 12.5 of % them think it can happen partially.


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